E7: Future of jobs is partnership of experts

When we think of building our career, we implicitly link it to job, contract, and company. Can we build a career without really tied with a job contract? That's the topic of today's episode.
A.R. Rahman and Danny Boyle came together for the popular movie, Slumdog Millionaire. The movie won eight Oscars and seven BAFTA awards. They have worked together few times after that movie.

But they are not employees of any company.

They are experts in their field. They come together for a project, create value, and get a pie of the resulting reward.

It is not only Government of India which has embraced this model. Government of Estonia too used this model to build their e-residency program.

Startups is another ecosystem which gladly embrace this model.

Startups can't employ experts in their payroll. So what do they do when they have to access expertise? They partner with experts.

With the rise of remote working, this model of partnership of experts is only going grow.

The obvious question is what can you do to take advantage of such emerging model?

You should do three things: Content creation, networking, and building social proof.

Did this episode give you an idea of the emerging trend and how you can take advantage of it? Would you mind sharing it with your friends?

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  • Executive Coaching Program: https://gravitaswins.com
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Have a life of WINS.

Creators and Guests

Joseph Jude
Joseph Jude
CTO • Coach • Homeschooling dad
E7: Future of jobs is partnership of experts
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