E33: Jayaram Easwaran on "Secrets of A Master Storyteller"

When we think of corporate communication we think only in terms of power points and bullet list. But slides don't make you memorable. To stand out you need to master story telling skills. To explore this further, I'm talking to a guest whose expertise is in telling business lessons in the form of short stories. I have read his book and most of his columns. I can say without a doubt, he is a master storyteller. I hope you'll enjoy this conversation.
  • Why did you choose a fiction format rather than the standard non-fiction format? 
  • How do you source these stories?
  • How do you go about writing? How many times do you re-write?
  • Did you study creative writing? How did you get into this?
  • How can anyone learn this skill? What courses/workshops helped you?

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Have a life of WINS.

Creators and Guests

Joseph Jude
Joseph Jude
CTO • Coach • Homeschooling dad
E33: Jayaram Easwaran  on "Secrets of A Master Storyteller"
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