E32: Siddhartha Ghosh on "What we can learn from nature"

When we think of nature, we think of it as something we go on a vacation to. But nature is our home. It was here before us. And there are lot we can observe and learn from nature. To discuss this in detail, I am talking to Siddhartha Ghosh, a wild-life photographer and nature conservation expert.
  • How did you get into wild life photography?
  • How do you plan any photography?
  • Is it a matter of tool or patience and skill?
  • Has any animal posed for you?
  • Any near death experience?
  • Have you ported any of the skills you learned in the wild-life into your professional life?
  • What drew you towards nature conservation?
  • How can we practice it in our normal daily lives?
  • How do we balance between progress and preserving our nature?

Connect with Siddhartha:
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sidghosh-analytics/
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/siddphoto/

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  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjude
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Have a life of WINS.

Creators and Guests

Joseph Jude
Joseph Jude
CTO • Coach • Homeschooling dad
E32: Siddhartha Ghosh on "What we can learn from nature"
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